Phase I of this proposal includes the design, preparation, purchase, planting and maintenance of containers/hayracks located on Main Street by the Post Office, Visitor’s Center, Public Restroom, the Merchant sign atop Merrill Way ant the island bed located at the intersection of Routes 102 and 41.
Also included is care (pruning and fertilizing) of the four Crimson King Norway Maple trees on Main Street. Curt Wilton will oversee this work.
Phase II may be discussed at a future time, which could include additional containers, in ground shrub plantings, the three bridges in town and plantings at the Town offices.
The Vision Committee is working in conjunction with Lisa Parker. Lisa has been responsible for the beautiful plantings throughout the town since 2003. She also oversees the training of any professional gardeners or volunteers who have helped with water in past years.
To beautify our town with colorful plantings to attract visitors and collaborate with residents and local businesses. Lisa has privately worked with Rouge and the Historical Society to create colorful plantings that coordinate aesthetically with the other plantings around town.
Lisa will design, prepare, purchase, plant maintain and water the containers mentioned above.
The plantings and containers are planted prior to Memorial Day, weather permitting and maintained through Columbus Day weekend. Holiday greens and decorations are added in late November.
This project benefits visitors, residents and local businesses alike, providing visually beautiful plantings that enhance the Town’s natural resources. The dynamic plantings capture the attention of commuters, people strolling around after visiting local businesses, restaurants, Turn Park, or getting their mail.
Expressed in the words of a local resident, “I pass by these beautiful plantings on my way to work every day! It makes me smile! It’s so nice to see that someone has taken the time and effort to care about how our Town looks. Thank you, thank you!”
In collaboration with residents and local businesses, we aim to beautify our town with colorful plantings to attract visitors and improve the asthetic beaty of our town.